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Photo by Vera Lakovaara

Henrik Airaksinen - Keyboards

Henrik's first approach to the world of music instruments was at the age of 11 when he got drums as a birthday present - after months of table drumming. He started taking drum lessons but soon after two years the excitement dried out a bit and he quit. Around 2008 he started getting really interested of synths in metal music and after a while he got his first synth. He had no idea how to play piano, but just started fooling around with it and slowly began to learn some scales and basic chords. He got really drawn to it and despite of his father proposals he didn't want to take piano lessons because he was too afraid that it would kill his inspiration - the same way that happened with drums. He wanted to follow his own path and luckily it paid off!


After two years of fooling around with the piano, Henrik started recording his own songs. He uploaded those songs to his youtube channel just for fun. Surprisingly the videos started getting good visibility and just in few years he gathered good and all the time growing follower base for his channel.


Time went by and instead of just playing and composing mainly piano/orchestral music, Henrik started getting interested of playing metal again, which was the original inspiration that led him to the path of piano. Some drawbacks and lucky coincidences later he got a full metal group together and Feridea was born. 

In 2015 after Feridea released Into a Dawn, Henrik started to explore music outside traditional metal music. After few Japan trips later he was fascinated by the beautiful melodic compositions and fresh energetic upbeat "cross-genre" arrangements of Japanese music. Enchanted by this new style of music it gave a whole new sparkle to his composing and fueled his passion for music even more. This widened the horizons for composing and music production as a whole and gave tons of new ideas and ways to express feelings into music. He felt like he was no longer bound by the metal-genre stigma/"rules" and was able to truly explore the whole array of music and composing as a whole. 


Today Feridea is Henrik's main focus, but still time to time when the inspiration strikes he continues to compose his solo songs and publish them in his youtube channel ( 

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